We know how important the early stages of a dogs life can be, that's why we've developed a premium quality high fish content, GRAIN FREE Complete Puppy food from 100% natural ingredients to help your pooch get the best out of their formative years.
‘Reel’ flavour that’s perfect for little mouths! Our puppy bundle has a variety of treats suitable from the age of 12 weeks! Our Dog & Puppy Training treats and Whitefish...
Made from 100% fresh, ethically and sustainably sourced quality Scottish Salmon. Packed with long and short chain Omega 3 & 6 to deliver a wide range of health benefits to your dogs and cats
Our Luxury Salmon Cubes are made from 100% Salmon and packed with essential Omega oils to promote a whole host of health benefits, including skin and coat condition, joint care and eye and brain development.
Extra small treats with extra large taste! Our Little Gems are great for little mouths, and they're packed with all the goodness of our other Fish Skin treats. Made from 100% air-dried fish.
Forget fetching! This is one stick your dog will want to keep… and devour! Made with 60% Salmon and 40% Whitefish, our Salmon Sticks are gently air-dried at low temperatures...